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“(Ricasso) uses catchy rock hooks to land a few direct hits on his foes.” “could dominate the airwaves ...” - Chart "Saskatchewan rocker delivers on every track" - Yorkton this Week “...full of hooks and commercially accessible with just a touch of quirkiness "...full of impressive lyrics and edgy beats well worth the money" "(Ricasso) and his band were excellent" - Star-Phoenix "(Ricasso)... easily shift between power pop bursts, loungy electronica, "Friday the 13th lucky day for Ricasso" - Regina Leader Post "As quick and intense as wild fire" - Star-Phoenix “A veteran performer in the (Saskatchewan) scene lets fly with another "Boy is that FUN" - Matt Bradley (Magic 98.2 Saskatoon) "Speaking of voices, (Ricasso) has one of the best set of rock pipes in “This tight, diverse band manages to develop commercial accessibility “Not a weak song is to be found within this collection...” - Chart |
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